Our Solution

Mobile App
Healthy Seniors & Efficient Caregivers!

Place the DiaperZen device on the outside of the diaper. When the diaper gets wet, DiaperZen will alert you on your mobile phone, so you don't have to keep checking at regular intervals.

Using DiaperZen

DiaperZen is easy to use! The steps and key features are highlight below!

Place the DiaperZen device
on the diaper

Place the device on the outside of the diaper as shown in the illustration.

Get notified when the diaper
is wet

You will receive a notification on your phone when it is time to change the diaper.

View urine and stool history

You can invite multiple people to get notified. You will also have access to the urine and stool history.

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Note: Your payment information is not stored with DiaperZen, it is managed and processed by Stripe.
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